The digital era has touched every aspect of our lives in many ways at a speed almost not possible to catch up. It is simply changing our way of life and the survivors are those who understand the forthcoming digital development and adapt to the changes.
The new era has influenced dentistry considerably in a positive way.
Taking impression (moulds) has always been a key part of dentistry. Everyone who has had an impression taken at the dentist has gone through the unpleasant experience. Orthodontics has not been an exception as impressions are taken before and after treatment and for making removable braces, commonly known as retainers.
Taking traditional impressions has almost become a memory of the past at New Smile Orthodontics thanks to the introduction of digital scanners, one of which is iTero (an Invisalign brand).
It allows us to scan the teeth digitally and creates instantly an incredibly accurate 3D image which can be sent to the lab for production of braces, study models and documentation. The scan will be saved in the “cloud” and accessible at any time.
Since introduction of the scanner in our practice in 2020 we have witnessed how much our patient appreciate having their teeth scanned instead of having impressions taken.