Digital scanning of teeth

The digital era has touched every aspect of our lives in many ways at a speed almost not possible to catch up. It is simply changing our way of life and the survivors are those who understand the forthcoming digital development and adapt to the changes. The new era has influenced dentistry considerably in a…

What is an overbite?

An overbite is when the upper front teeth bite far forward than the lower front teeth. Normal overbite is 1-4mm. Overbite larger than 4 millimetres is very common today and it is estimated that about 15% of ten-year-old children in Europe have it. It is advisable to treat larger overbite as it can lead to…

Why Brushing?

We all know that we must brush our teeth regularly, but not many of us know why we exactly need to do that. Of course, the reason for brushing is cleaning the teeth. What the cleaning means in this context is not obvious to most. For the majority of people, it means removing food after…

Fixed braces versus clear braces(aligners)

Teeth straightening techniques have developed constantly during the last few decades, above all last 20 years with clear aligners emerging, with Invisalign being the most developed one. There are other new comings too which are available in the market. It can be confusing and difficult for people seeking treatment to choose among different types of…

What does an orthodontist do?

Orthodontics means straightening teeth; literary translated from the Latin words Ortho (straight) and Dente (tooth). But in practice orthodontics is more than just straightening teeth. It is the science of teeth and jaw anomalies, which can be but not exhaustive to, the following problems; Tooth anomalies Overcrowding, crookedness of teeth, spacing between teeth, Impaction (tooth…